Its Thursday the somethingth of July, and we're almost one week into our Summer Holidays. I think this is about as looming for 'us children' as the same is for 'them adults' to be told there are only 169 days to Christmas. Possibly. Who knows.
It seems every time I write to my blog, the weather takes a turn for the worse; its another grey, dull day in South West Scotland. The rain's come out to say hello, which may be good news for plants and gardeners but not someone who's trying to organise a barbecue. It seems that everyone round here are pinning their hopes on it brightening up sometime soon and those who haven't, have sought solace in a warmer, sunnier country. Wise people. However, there are only... a few weeks til the 4th of August which is enough for me. (I have lost all sense of date and time having left school and not having to write them in the margin every hour, so apologies for bad date and time references.)
But ne'erheid! I'll just brighten up my blog with the odd holiday picture and sunny coloured words. Like
lollipop. See, you're smiling already...

A lot of my photographs on this blog will come from this place and other gardens in the vicinity as they are my mums second, third, fourth and no doubt fifth homes. (Both my mum and my Granny Anne are frequent garden-goers and gardeny people.) So! There it is, Logan Botanic Gardens. Very beautiful place, with a lovely walled garden with adjoining wooded area which I lovelovelove. The Acers are mine by the way. And the Eucalyptus'. Oh oh oh and the Zantedeschia Aethiopica, Arum Lilies. The basis of my hat design this year, "Arum Lilies for Life lolz." Very long story...

Haha, this was Logan Botanic Gardens too, same day if I remember correctly. If you're wondering why my mum and I have really odd expressions on our faces, which you probably haven't noticed but I'll tell you anyway. You know that funny thing that happens when you mix the Older Generation with 'new-fangled' technology? You most probably do. Well, next time, try giving a Granny a Digital Camera and watch as she struggles to see though the tiny retro viewfinder rather than the luminous LCD scene-screen. Its a rather funny yet bewildering sight to the likes of my generation who have been brought up on LCD TFT High Def 9.8-mil pixel technological cornflakes.

From technology to something simple. Fishing. Personally I've never seen eye to eye with anyone that fishes, its just not my thing. But I like this photo. Port Logan I'm sure, and my dad fishing. I think the fact its silhouetted makes me like it more, and its seascape which immediately gives it +100 Brownie Points. Its not that bad a photograph for one taken on my lifeline, sorry, my mobile phone. I use it for communication like every other person would, but its first and foremost my Walkman and my Camera. *Lovelovelove*

This picture had to be posted sometime and today is the day. Everyone, meet Lara Harvey's 15th Birthday cake, created by myself and Becky! Ahh, good times. This was the heaviest thing to lug about on a school bus in a massive big blue tub I tell you, but also the greatest. Why is it an Ambulance? No, Lara doesn't want to be a nurse or a doctor or indeed and Ambulance. We asked which kind of cake she'd like and she said an ambulance one, like the one on Casualty. So, we went forth and used unbelievable amounts of cake and icing and created that, exceeding everyone's views who were expecting a caterpillar style log cake. Everyone liked it and needless to say, they ate it! Shockingly. Best bit about it was definitely the look on Lara's face, and getting to eat all the left over icing. And the middles of the mini rolls we used for wheels. Yummy. >
cutting the cake< (Shaun, note the Maoams in the background :P) I must move on, or I'll go into hyper-drive with memoirs... *Row row row your boat.. or dont.*
The reason for all these mainly pointless but funny photographs etc is because I havent really done anything newsworthy over the past few days, except going to Glasgow shopping and pottering around in the garden. I promise my next post will have some theme or direction to it. Honest. :)
Have a good holiday!! x
This is great... Didn't realise it was you causing the bad weather ;)
What's the weather like now? Don't mean to gloat or anything, just wondering. Did you barbecue?
I know, I think my blog’s jinxed me as I've been in Edinburgh and it rained there but was sunny in Stranraer. Hasn't rained today though, so fingers crossed :]
Although saying that I haven't blogged yet...
Haven't barbecued yet either, haven't even eaten tea in the garden which is rather shocking this time of year (!) But as newly appointed Weather Controller, the sunshine and I will prevail. :]
Enjoy the sun in America!
Thanks for reading, currently writing up my experience of the Family Reunion thing on Sunday in Edinburgh, so hopefully that will be slightly more interesting...
*disappears singing Mr Blue Skies*
I love that cake. :D
Don't worry if your blog's directionless, mine will be too. Most of the entertaining ones are, actually. There's no point in writing one, I find, if you can't express what's in your mind at the moment, hence the stream-of-conscious style goes well with it.
^ And this comment is even more directionless than any blog post I'v read. :D In conclusion, that was fun! Keep writing.
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