Our school term ends tomorrow, thankfully as this has been the longest term I've ever known in my 5 years attendance. Possibly due to added strain from Exams, new Fifth Year expectations, Timetable changes, Award Ceremonies and goodness knows what else the term has dragged on and on and on and I dont know about anyone else, but I'm in desperate need of a holiday...So, in preperation for this years mere 6 week break, I have got a heap of good books, plenty of paints and other arty things as well as my blog to keep me occupied. Fantasic. Also have a weeks holiday in the Cotswolds *love* so that should be an interesting bunch of Blog Entries.
Having pondered how to keep the entries new and different, I've decided to blog what I draw or what pictures I take. So for every blog post, there will be an acompanying scribble or photograph.
Looking out my window, I've been struck with a feeling of Irony. Instead of the sunny, glorious nights where a barbeque can last well into the early hours of the morning, days spent intirely on the beach in the sea, getting a tan. Its grey. Cold. Uninviting and certainly not Summery. The rains battering off the windows, the winds whistling donw my chimney and even the dogs are refusing to go out in it. Typical Scottish summer? Most probably. If you were to forget about dates and time, you would be instantly transported back to a November night where all that can be done is the making of hot chocolate and snuggling up with a good book. Doesnt sound such a bad idea. Instead I have my blog and a cup of tea. Close enough.
Newspapers and weather[wo]men have reported that there is only to be one good day to be classed as our summer this year, July th 15th. As bad as this is, it gets worse. I'm out that weekend as my relative are coming over from Australia for a party. So, whilst everyone is soaking up the sun in Stranraer, I'll be in Edinbugh undoubtably freezing and swaping G'Days with relatives. How fun. But anyway, I must not moan any longer, must think happy thoughts. Sunny summer sunny summer sunny summer sunny summer...
Thats not only hard to imagine but hard to say too.
Aw. Poor you, even though it does make for interesting reading.
You have a bloody wonderful taste in music, though - Mr Blue Sky is officially the best song in the history of the world, ever. Mainly 'cos I said so.
I promise to start writing my own blog. Sometime.
I love ELO.
You've kicked off your summer blog really well..
I'm up in Glasgow getting ready to go to the terrorist capital of Scotland (i.e the airport)
Please, please put some of your artwork on your blog!!
Seeing is believing...
Firstly, thank you both for reading, I have been pondering as I say about what to blog about bu I find no difficulty when it comes to talking. Hah.
Oh and by the way, Mrs O'Neill, I'd avoid James, he's not very happpy about the dislike of Planes on your Summer blog. :P
And Shaun! I will personally pester you until you do so.
I'm good a pestering.
Have a nice holiday, both of youu, hope the weathers nice etc. (Although saying that, ANYWHERE could be better than sunny ole Stranraer..)
Have a good one! x
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